MK 19??????di manakah class itu?????aku dengan member2 aku pening mencari class tersebut.Kawan2 tahu x clss tu kat mana????mesti x tahu jugak kn??hahahaa...yang tahu class tu cuma budak2 kos yang hot je..hehe..opsssss....terlepas cakap sudah...ishh,korang ni..x akan x thu kot????budak kos mascom la...diaorang punya clss semua kat kayangan tu..barulah aku dengan member2 aku tahu class 2 kt mana...hehe..Kalau x kami x pergi class tu sebab jauh sangat..mujurla ada kawan kami si Ain ni dengan member2 dye bawakan aku naik kereta diorang...akhirnya sampai juga aku dengan kawan2 aku pergi class..
Mula-mula aku tertanya tanya juga MGT 300 mean what???aku bukanya tahu...maklumlah,cuti sem memang x ambil tahu hal belajar dah...huhu..Masa dalam class yang first ni la baru aku tahu maksud MGT 300 tu apa..Nak tahu x maksud dia ape????jeng3...ala,senang je....Teka la dulu..hehe..tut..masa dah tamat..maksud nya ialah TECNOLOGY IN BUSINESS...hehe..Pn.Intan Liyana yang bagi tahu kami semua maksud dia..Kalau korang nak tahu,dia la orang yang mengajar aku dengan rakan2 aku subjek ini...dia banyakla terangkan kat kami satu clss pasal subjek 2...aku suka belajar subjek ini,..korang nak tahu kenapa???????sebab????aku minat beli barang2 on9 ni...hehe...subjek in ade berkaitan dengan berniaga on9..
Ok...skrg ni aku nak mulakan mengenai subjek ni...first sekali, madam terangkan pasal chapter
1.Chapter 1 tajuk besar dia BUSINESS DRIVE TECHNOLOGY.
OK...firstly I want to tell u about IT.Today u know electronic that connect to one onether are found everywhere.for examle in office home,car and mony more.IT is important for everyone.
The impact of IT in businees operations is reducing costs,improving productivity and generating growth.When I in this class I know information technology basic. In this Information Technology Basic have Management Information System (mis).IT is a business function just as marketing,finance and human resources.The important or elements of MIS is data,information and business intelligence.Secondly,IT resources,and lastly ITcultures.
After I learn about that I know how to distinguish management information system (mis) and information technology(It.)Nowadays ,IT is related in our daily life.I also can decribe the relationship among people ,information technology and information.
Before I end this chapter,the key of IT resources is people,information,and information technology.All the people in the world may use the IT.Organizational Information Cultures have four.
Firstly,information functional culture.Secondly,information sharing culture.Thirdly,information inquiring culture.Lastly,discovery culture.For more information u can refer to this website
Ok,I think it enough for chapter 1.We will meet i the next chapter .
bYE Bye>>>>>>>>>>>peace yooooo...:-)
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